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Investing in small-scale farms by providing access to unsecured input financing.

Welcome to Farmerstack


Who We Are


We are Farmerstack.


Farmerstack is an agricultural service organisation that finances smallholder farmers with the assets they need to make their farms vastly more productive and profitable.


Farmers choose to work with us to scale their farms from subsistence to commercially oriented agricultural enterprises.




What We Do


We are convinced that investing in the future of farming is pivotal for tackling the challenges in agriculture today, ranging from sustainably feeding the world's growing population to discovering enduring solutions for resilient and profitable agriculture.

At Farmerstack, we bundle the supplies farmers need to grow more food and make more money and make it available to them on credit. These supplies include high-quality seeds, fertilizers, crop protection products, crop storage products, and expert training.


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How We Do It

We have developed a credit model and figured out a method to score and disburse unsecured input loans to small-scale farmers who lack cash or digital transaction history, all while maintaining excellent collection rates.


Farmers access their year-round farming needs on loan with farmerstack. They borrow a package of top-quality agricultural inputs valued between $100 to $200 and repay the loan within four months after the harvest.


Rather than imposing a rigid weekly repayment system, we offer a flexible structure with only two deadlines for our clients. First, farmers make a 10% down payment to receive the loan package. The final repayment is then due after the harvest. After making the down payment, farmers have the freedom to make small manageable repayments of their loans on their schedule at any time throughout the season. This flexibility helps them stay on top of their loan and reduces post-harvest pressure. 


The successful repayment of one loan cycle unlocks better loan options for the farmers in the next planting seasons. This process builds their credit history, which can then be leveraged to access additional financial services.




How Farmerstack Works


Farmerstack makes micro-loans that cause farmers to achieve better harvests. 


1. Get started

Signup to farmerstack and apply for an input loan.


2. Lend

Your credit risk is assessed, and the inputs are bundled and disbursed. 



Make small manageable repayments over the loan tenure, with majorly 10% down payment at the beginning and final payment after harvest.



Renew your loan season after season, all year round. 



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Image by Deepak kumar


100% of every loan supports the borrower. Donations are vital for us to continue helping people access the resources they need to thrive.


A $50 donation helps cover the cost of facilitating $250 in loans

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